"My dear fellow, you forget we are in the native land [England] of the hypocrite"
(The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde).
24 September 2009
Empire: How Britain Maimed the Indigenous World
‘Squire’ Ferguson I recently had the displeasure of being exposed to your publications, Empire:How Britain Made the Modern World & Colossus: The Rise and Fall of the American Empire, in which you extol the odious deeds of British imperialism. Doubtless such anglobile creed proves to be sweet manure for like-minded anglo brutes desperately seeking validation for their infamous craven breed. Any person with an honest grasp on history knows though your self-inflated ethnocentric propaganda is utter revisionism. A febrile lie-blown apology for your parasitic xenophobic monarchy.
You and your 'ilk' did not make the modern world. You ruined it!
I critique several of your more repugnant if not unhinged coded claims to racial superiority as it relates to the royal predations by the British Empire.
Once and for all the British did not invent or introduce commerce or maritime trade to the world – the Phoenicians and Romans were internationally trucking goods 2 to 3 millennia ago when your vulgar clan, clad in animal hides, were darting from cave to cave in the marshes. The only commodity your pale breed traded during this epoch was head slaps when the last turnip in the bog was to be had.
Your holy hero in the form of Adam Smith appropriated and embellished the existent and very visible body of knowledge on economics and bartering. You Anglos are superb at this – pilferage and plagiarism.
Because Smith and his fellow poacher Darwin codified what was known, it does not equate to ownership of the field.
We are reminded the British abolished their trade in slavery. Suspicious is it not how public discourse on the abominable British slave trade is often emphasized with this footnote. You owned, managed and profited from slavery! Your gruesome empire made the modern equivalent of billions of dollars, while murdering and maiming millions. When slavery became a moral liability, then and only then your empire quitted the trade.
Indeed you “made modern” North America, where today millions of descendant African Americans, in the gutter, in gaol, in the ground, savor the fruits of your ‘imperial benevolence’ of ancestral slavery.
Your ‘regal legacy’ of iniquity in chronically distressed Africa screams for itself. For centuries you ruthlessly stabbed Africa in her back. Still she hemorrhages from the gaping wounds of despoliation inflicted by history’s greatest thug nation.
You decry the socioeconomic shambles of numerous African Nations (former hostages and slave yards of your empire) while applauding the white dominions of Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Interspersed between your groans and gushes, you dazzle the Reader with fiscal statistics wrought with specious graphs and charts. Such decorative math is simply smoke, fogging the Reader’s vision so he cannot apprehend the true value of your leeching “anglolization” legacy.
A Sample of the True Value of British Imperialism & Ferguson’s Wealth Statistics
Australia provides a “high standard of living” for the shameless heirs of your imperial malfeasance, the ‘Anglostralians’. But what of Australian Aborigines, the Indigenous owners of Australia? How have they prospered from your fabricating the “modern world”? Where do they feature on your dizzying scales of wealth creation and gold standards? After sustaining 200 hundred years (here insert timeline chart) of being raped, pillaged and butchered by god fearing tea sipping anglophiles, Indigenous Australians, those standing, are still waiting for this ‘glorious prosperity’ so emphatically illustrated by your GDP and trade tariff statistics.
If by condemning an entire race of people with a history reaching 50 000 years to the edge of extinction is your formula for “making the modern world”, then indeed ‘Squire’ you and your vampiric hominid strain have unquestionably excelled. Nazi Germany cannot make the same ‘holocaustic’ claims! Is this why Hitler so envied Britain and why he was loathe to blast proper a kindred spirit?
Then New Zealand, where the Maori people brought to their knees, ‘blessed’ too by the racial imperialism of Britannia.
So too the Inuit, on their knees, after being “modernized” by British mercantilism. And we know how your anglophile cousins lifted the Nations of American Indians from their ‘deplorable primitive’ state of simple harmony. Yup you “modernized” them too into near extinction.
Witness too stratocratic Myanmar that ‘modern’ beacon to British imperialism where the joys of anglo modernization are ‘stomped daily into Burma’s face by the jackboot’ of totalitarianism.
And what of your slave clearing-house Jamaica, the ‘sweet’ jewel in the crown of anglophile infamy? Do Jamaicans, as you would have us believe, feel indebted to the British for their enslavement and ruin?
By the way Mugabe prevailed, you got b---- slapped. No amount of demonizing, scaremongering by your sycophantic stooges in the corporate media are ever going see the return of those farms to the thieving anglo colonists. Apocalyptic cholera epidemic and trillion per cent inflation BBC headliners failed – the gig is up.
One of your more bilious delusions is of course “British imperialism civilized India”. Your abuse of India against African slaves differs only in that you chained Hindis in their own dirt, and did not ‘truck’ them en-masse like livestock to the dominions. You make the contemptible claim India today would be more chaotic had it not been for the domesticating influence of British imperialism. As you have done with so many Indigenous societies you ‘domesticated’, your rapacious Raj sucked India dry, smashed open her markets and gutted her. You then slunk away when the prospect of symmetrical combat loomed i.e. battalion contra battalion as opposed to your much preferred modus operandi of imperial regiment against naked tribe. For good measure you “made” Pakistan and bequeathed her as a perennial thorn in the side of India.
But, according to your ‘special’ moral logic, your infinite crimes against India are expiated, because “Britain ‘majestically’ bestowed India her railroad”. You gave India nothing but wrack and ruin. You built her railroad with the sweat and blood of India’s sons. You lifted not a finger, save to raise the lash higher as you whipped 100,000 Coolies across her sub-continent. And you gifted this railroad not to India but to your gluttonous empire so as to expedite the plunder of India’s resources.
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Bengalese enjoying the fruits of British imperialism |
On ‘making’ Nations, your malicious meddling spawned 'modern' Israel, a bigoted pariah State second only to your Britain. True to your traitorous venal nature, you contrived the Zionist-Anglo Balfour Declaration eternally damning a legitimate nation of Indigenous Arabs to displacement and atrophy by Zionism.
In dooming 700, 000 Indigenous Palestinians with the arrogant stroke of a pen, you imperiled the world with fanaticism. And on which page between the egotistical lines of racialist balderdash do you gloatingly arrogate credit for making 911? Did you not also “modernize” Middle East turmoil!
When you excrete the narcissistic obscenity “the British made the modern world” what you are implying is the millions of your Indigenous victims should be grateful for being violated by your verminous anglophile imperialism – a pestilence of vainglorious bigotry unrivalled in the history of savagery and sadism.
Your reprehensible though characteristic anglophile gall is comparable to a rapist, who standing over their still quivering and bloodied victim, ejaculates: Thank me I have modernized you!
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Heed this well O exultant anglophile, the ‘moral’ variance between Nazi Germany and Nasty Britain is this: the Germans blasphemously sought to conquer white Europe, while your pedigree of poltroons butchered the largely defenseless non-white and naked Indigenous world. This is why your perfidious Kingdom, ‘the swine befouler of civilization’, continues to escape the same condemnation that was and is wreaked against Germany. Rhodes and Goebbels to be sure are looking up at you with delirious admiration and envy.
Historically and statistically, (insert graph here), your bubonic empire is 1000 times eviller than that burst of teutonic tyranny. The body count from your ‘modernizing’ imperialism will never be known. In fact when we judge Britain’s record-breaking atrocities against Mankind we ought not estimate the number of millions slain in your quest for ‘world modernization’, we need only aggregate Races and Nations of Indigenous people across the planet you have mutilated in toto beyond redemption.
You did not make the “modern world”. You mangled it!
"Paralytic sycophants,
effete betrayers of
effete betrayers of
humanity, carrion-eating servile
imitators, arch-cowards and
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